This is a list of useful answers to questions.

What is Fastnode?

Fatnode is a fast growing turnkey crypto node installation service. Our offerings encompass the entire lifecycle of managing your nodes, from deployment and monitoring to maintenance and upgrades on our servers. This can all be done effortlessly with a few clicks, without any coding required.

When do I have to renew nodes and bandles?

You can renew nodes at any time up to 1 day before the end. If you do not have time to renew nodes and bandles, they will go to the expired status, and further renewetion of them will require you to pay for installation again.

What payment methods do we support?

All cryptocurrencies that are supported in our merchant - Plisio.

Is there any way to install nodes that are not on the list or create custom bundle?

Yes, we can install any node you want or create custom bundle for you, contact support to do so.